European parliament denies access to all persons or groups involved in terrorist acts |

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European parliament denies access to all persons or groups involved in terrorist acts

Brussels – European parliament endorsed the President’s Tajani proposal to systematically deny access to all persons, groups, or entities involved in terrorist acts, as listed in the annexed Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/1426.

„It is a reaction to our complaint after a Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled was invited for one private session to European Parliament. I am happy that we have eventually established what should have been obvious before!“ reveals MEP Tomas Zdechovský (KDU-CSL, EPP) who was the initiator of the complaint to President Tajani.

„It is a reaction to our complaint after a Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled was invited for one private session to European Parliament. I am happy that we have eventually established what should have been obvious before!“ reveals MEP Tomas Zdechovský (KDU-CSL, EPP) who was the initiator of the complaint to President Tajani.
In view of that decision, and in the context of combatting terrorism, Members of the European Parliament and Political Groups are requested not to invite persons listed in the Council Decision or individuals representing entities or groups on that list, nor to facilitate their access to Parliament. In addition, these persons, entities, and groups may not be promoted through audio-visual presentations or other events on Parliament’s premises.

In case of doubt, or of the possible presence or promotion on Parliament’s premises of any of the persons, entities, groups, or individuals affiliated with them, please contact the Directorate General for Security and Safety.

„The Council may adopt some amendments now, so we can be sure the situation with Leila Khaled will not happen again,“ adds Zdechovsky.

More information about Leila Khaled in EP:


Jitka Fialová
tisková mluvčí, PR manažer
+32 (0) 2 28 37

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Vydáno: 21. 11. 2017 15:06
Kategorie: Zahraniční
Název zdroje: Tomáš Zdechovský, europoslanec (ověřený zdroj [?])
Popis zdroje:
Tomáš Zdechovský byl v roce 2014 zvolen za KDU-ČSL do Evropského parlamentu. Působí ve výboru pro občanské svobody, spravedlnost a vnitřní věci (LIBE), ve výboru pro rozpočtovou kontrolu (CONT) a v delegaci pro vztahy s Čínskou lidovou republikou.


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